21 research outputs found

    Autonomna navigacija za invalidska kolica s detekcijom prepreka u stvarnom vremenu koriĆĄtenjem 3D senzora

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    Autonomous wheelchairs operating in dynamic environments need to sense its surrounding environment and adapt the control signal, in real-time, to avoid collisions and protect the user. In this paper we propose a robust, simple and real-time autonomous navigation module that drives a wheelchair toward a desired target, along with its capability to avoid obstacles in a 3D dynamic environment. To command the mobile robot to the target, we use a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). For obstacle avoidance, we use the Kinect Xbox 360 to provide an actual map of the environment. The generated map is fed to the reactive obstacle avoidance control Deformable Virtual Zone (DVZ). Simulations and real world experiments results are reported to show the feasibility and the performance of the proposed control system.Autonomna invalidska kolica koja se kreću u dinamičkim okruĆŸenjima moraju biti sposobna detektirati prepreke u svojoj okolini, te prilagoditi upravljački signal u stvarnom vremenu kako bi se izbjegli sudari i zaĆĄtitio korisnik. U ovom radu predlaĆŸe se jednostavan, robustan modul za autonomnu navigaciju u stvarnom vremenu koji vodi invalidska kolica prema ĆŸeljenom odrediĆĄtu, te omogućuje izbjegavanje prepreka u 3D okruĆŸenju. Za upravljanje koristi se regulator baziran na neizravnoj logici (FLC). Za izbjegavanje prepreka koristi se Kinect Xbox 360 senzor koji gradi kartu okoline. Generirana karta se predaje reaktivnoj kontroli za izbjegavanje prepreka Deformiranoj Virutalnoj Zoni (DVZ). Prikazani su rezultati simulacija i eksperimenata u stvarnom svijetu kako bi se pokazala izvedivost i kvaliteta izvođenja predloĆŸenog sustava upravljanja

    Design of multimedia processor based on metric computation

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    Media-processing applications, such as signal processing, 2D and 3D graphics rendering, and image compression, are the dominant workloads in many embedded systems today. The real-time constraints of those media applications have taxing demands on today's processor performances with low cost, low power and reduced design delay. To satisfy those challenges, a fast and efficient strategy consists in upgrading a low cost general purpose processor core. This approach is based on the personalization of a general RISC processor core according the target multimedia application requirements. Thus, if the extra cost is justified, the general purpose processor GPP core can be enforced with instruction level coprocessors, coarse grain dedicated hardware, ad hoc memories or new GPP cores. In this way the final design solution is tailored to the application requirements. The proposed approach is based on three main steps: the first one is the analysis of the targeted application using efficient metrics. The second step is the selection of the appropriate architecture template according to the first step results and recommendations. The third step is the architecture generation. This approach is experimented using various image and video algorithms showing its feasibility

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Fine-grain Adaptation for Real Time Embedded Systems using UML/MARTE Profile

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    International audienceThe integration of adaptation techniques in the development cycle of real time embedded systems (RTES) has become a necessity to permit their fast and efficient reaction to environment variability. In order to yield considerable benefits in terms of resource utilization, the adaptive behavior should be integrated in different system layers and with different granularities (fine and coarse). The existing modelbased design approaches of adaptive RTES is limited to the modeling of coarse-grain adaptation techniques which bring global modification to the whole system configuration. However, fine-grain adaptation techniques, specifically per-application adaptation, which is an important ability of embedded systems for dealing with modern applications complexity, are still under-explored. Since this adaptation issue is not supported by the UML MARTE profile, we propose in this paper a modelbased design of an adaptive application layer using the MARTE standard. We define an additionnal package extending the Software Resource Modeling sub-profile. A case study on the H264/AVC video encoder application is presented to illustrate the application of our proposed extension

    Feedback control modelling of learning reconfigurable embedded systems

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    We observe that upcoming strongly recongurable embedded systems will be soon available for complex multi-application systems. Besides, the QoS/Power/Real-time trade-os cannot be totally handled at design time due to the growing uncertainty conditions. This paper focuses on the auto-configuration decision modelling and proposes an original and generic method based on control theory including stability analysis. Our approach addresses the question of local vs global reconguration decision at hardware, software and RTOS levels. We tackle the question of uncertainty with a learning system approach and the tradeoff between accuracy and complexity with run-time light estimators based on signal processing theory. A simulator applied to 3D synthesis is presented as a first proof of concept

    Feedback control modelling for learning reconfigurable embedded systems

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    We observe that upcoming strongly recongurable embedded systems will be soon available for complex multi-application systems. Besides, the QoS/Power/Real-time trade-os cannot be totally handled at design time due to the growing uncertainty conditions. This paper focuses on the auto-configuration decision modelling and proposes an original and generic method based on control theory including stability analysis. Our approach addresses the question of local vs global reconguration decision at hardware, software and RTOS levels. We tackle the question of uncertainty with a learning system approach and the tradeoff between accuracy and complexity with run-time light estimators based on signal processing theory. A simulator applied to 3D synthesis is presented as a first proof of concept

    Design Patterns for Self-Adaptive RTE Systems Specification

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    International audienceThe development of self-adaptive real-time embedded (RTE) systems is an increasingly hard task due to the growing complexity of both hardware and software and the high variability of the execution environment. Different approaches, platforms, and middleware have been proposed in the field, from low to high abstraction level. However, there is still a lack of generic and reusable designs for self-adaptive RTE systems that fit different system domains, lighten designers’ task, and decrease development cost. In this paper, we propose five design patterns for self-adaptive RTE systems modeling resulting from the generalization of relevant existing adaptation-related works. Combined together, the patterns form the design of an adaptation loop composed of five adaptation modules. The proposed solution offers a modular, reusable, and flexible specification of these modules and enables the separation of concerns. It also permits dealing with concurrency, real-time features, and adaptation cost relative to the adaptation activities. To validate our solution, we applied it to a complex case study, a cross-layer self-adaptive object tracking system, to show patterns utilization and prove the solution benefits